We are writing to inform you of some important updates regarding our hosting services and payment policies. Effective immediately, if any hosting service payments are overdue by more than 7 days past the due date, a late fee will be applied. Additionally, if payments are delayed further, restoration costs for your website, email, and other ... Повеќе »
Due to some network upgradation, you are facing some issues, our users may also face some issue, so kindly cooperate with us, and the issue will be resolved by Monday.
OSHOST now offers CWP hosting (Pro) that supports cPanel migration and other valuable tools—an in-built toolkit for WordPress management. CWP hosting also comes with the varnish cache that gives you lighting fast website loading using cache. CWP hosting also has mail management features that give you all the necessary options to manage the email ... Повеќе »
OSHOST is a sister concern of award-winning IT Organisation ' ONE SOLUTION'. For years OneSolution providing IT solutions catering to various industries with its expertise in CMS solutions. During the early phase, OneSolution was providing hosting services from other providers for its client but unfortunately, we faced enormous issues with the ... Повеќе »